It doesn’t. Well, I remember a few years ago, during the webcast that Oprah hosted with Eckhart Tolle, someone posted a question that he keeps worrying about paying bills, and Eckhart Tolle mentioned that worrying would not pay the bills. It makes sense. Worrying won’t bring you the results you need, but realizing that you feel worried and taking action will.
What can you do today to stop worrying and start doing? What are the small and big steps you can take to make something happen?
Here are some ideas in case business is at a standstill:
- Create a blog, or continue posting on your blog on a regular basis, and comment on other businesses’ blogs.
- Set up and sell used books or things around the house you no longer need/use, on eBay, Amazon,, for the extra income you need to invest in your business.
- Ask for help from a friend, coach or colleague.
- Write a description of your ideal client and search for him/her through social media and live networking.
- Start writing your book or ebook and blog about it
Sometimes, it is easier to stay stuck in the worrying mode, no threats, no unknown results, no results. If you really want to make a change, step away from worrying for just 5 minutes today, ask yourself: what are the small steps I can start taking today?, and see which actions you come up with.
Let me know if this exercise is helpful, and feel free to post here what your worrying helped you create.
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