Month: June 2014

Celebrating 15 Years in New York

chocolateI moved from Belo Horizonte, Brazil to New York, USA 15 years ago today. I had no idea what to expect, or what was ahead. I knew I was in a relationship, and that I was going to study the MBA. That was all. I also had a few aspirations in mind, to change careers and become a consultant (the term coaching wasn’t around back then), and possibly a writer. I was writing a fiction story in Portuguese at the time, it took me a couple of years to finish it, if I’m not mistaken, but the file was deleted accidently, and the story was never published, and never read from start to finish by someone other than me.

When the file was deleted, I decided not to write for a while, as I had put a lot of effort into it, and it was disappointing. A year after I graduated from the MBA, the idea came up to start That’s how I sort of launched my own writing career. The term blogging didn’t exist back then either.

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Meditations, Intentions, Affirmations - Keeping it Simple

Simple1How is your spiritual practice? How long have you been in it? Is there room to simplify it? Or does it need to be more complex instead?

I’m always seeking to learn and evolve, although sometimes it feels like I’m learning more of the same thing. I used to resist when someone was sharing something I had heard a million times, now I simply say thank you. Because we can forget, and we do need to be reminded of the magic we are capable of creating.

I find that even when we learn a tool, it doesn't mean that we have to follow it to the letter, though. I’ve been learning and doing my best to practice simplicity, not worrying too much about the “right” way of doing something, and simply allowing it to unfold, and trusting myself to know what to do.

The other day I had the opportunity to share this concept with one of my clients. She was asking about a meditation I had taught her. She wanted to know the exact steps I had shared, and confirm if she was doing it the “right” way. I told her to simply follow her intuition, and allow the meditation to flow as it will, for her highest good. I’m a strong believer that you can trust your own intuition when in meditation, although I don’t deny that at times, there is power into following a guided meditation. When I follow guided meditations, sometimes I need to pause the recording to have enough time to go on a deeper journey than the one the guided meditation may be leading me into.

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Visualize Blue Skies for Your Business and Life


A friend of mine called me out of the blue and invited me to spend the following weekend with her, and her dog, at her beach house in Rhode Island. I had been hoping for an opportunity to get out of the city, and it was easy to say yes. The day before my trip, I checked and learned that it was going to rain on Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday. It didn’t bother me, as I was happy to spend the weekend with my friend. I also went prepared – I took work with me, a story to edit, a book to read, classes to prepare, and I packed an umbrella just in case. On my way there, I asked the universe for sunny weather, I visualized the clouds moving away, and I let it go by setting an intention to have a good time, regardless of the weather.

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