MiraclesYesterday I shared an image of the flowers I bought to celebrate myself, you, and the 30-day self-love challenge. I meant to only buy white roses for the positive vibration and energy it could bring to my place, but when I saw the purple flowers, I was drawn to them, and couldn’t resist.

This morning when I passed by the arrangement I had created, I noticed that within some of the purple flowers, little white flowers were blossoming! You can see the photo within this post. I had no idea that this could happen, and I was pleasantly surprised by this miracle. For today’s self-love practice, stay in the moment, and pay attention to the miracles that may happen around you throughout the day.

Here are some small miracles that happen to me at times, and I am deeply grateful when they do:

  • When I run to get to the subway, only for the door to close in front of me, and then the conductor sees me and opens the door for a few seconds, allowing me to get in.
  • When a friend, whom I haven’t heard from in a while, calls or sends an email.
  • When I’m feeling down, and I ask for something nice to happen, and a dog in my building, who happens to be walking with the owner without a leash, follows me and makes sure I’m fine.
  • When a tiny flower blossoms within a flower. ; )
  • When I miss the green light to cross the street, and I notice that there is a mailbox in that corner, and I remember that I have a letter in my bag that needs to be mailed. This happened yesterday.
  • When I find organic apples at the local supermarket. (This is a true miracle that I appreciate every time)
  • When a client I coached a while ago, refers me a new client.

How about you? Today, stay in the moment, pay attention to what’s happening, and notice if what happens, or doesn’t happen, can be considered a miracle. Feel free to post your miracles here.