You are the SourceAcknowledge that You Are the Source:

Congratulations on making to day 30 of the self-love challenge! How awesome that you joined me on this journey of self-love. The journey will always continue, as there is so much we can do for ourselves.

Many of the previous 29 self-love challenges I posted, asked you to go within and choose what you needed in each moment, what you most wanted, what you were feeling, or what you could do as a self-love practice. Today’s self-love challenge is for you to go deeper in the knowing that you are the source. You have the answers, the light and the power within yourself to pursue your dreams, to experience joy, to love yourself fully, truthfully and deeply, to create, and to show up authentically and creatively daily.

One recommendation is for you to look back on the past 30 days and acknowledge which practices you did, which ones you resisted doing if any and why, and which ones you are willing to continue practicing daily or as often as possible.

Here is a recap:

Day 1 - Give yourself a hug for 1 minute
Day 2 - Write down a list of 3 things you love about you
Day 3 – Laugh (find reasons to laugh)
Day 4 - Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while
Day 5 - Treat yourself to something special
Day 6 - Unplug for 2 hours
Day 7 - Listen to uplifting music
Day 8 - Give someone a compliment
Day 9 - Connect with your heart and with your higher self (with a guided meditation)
Day 10 - Remind yourself to breathe throughout the day
Day 11 - Create Body Movement
Day 12 - Laugh with Friends
Day 13 - Eat Mindfully
Day 14 – Practice the Body Gratitude Meditation
Day 15 - Choose one practice to commit to doing every day
Day 16 - Feel and name your feelings
Day 17 - Clarify your priorities (with a special exercise from the book “No Bad Feelings”)
Day 18 - Connect with and acknowledge your super powers
Day 19 - Hug a tree with intention
Day 20 - Write down your favorite quotes and come up with your own special quote
Day 21 - Allow yourself to take some time to go deep and cry and grieve and feel deep feelings
Day 22 – Forgive yourself and others (with a special mantra and a meditation)
Day 23 – Write and mail a letter of gratitude to you
Day 24 – Express unexpected gratitude
Day 25 – Read a passage from your favorite book
Day 26 – Connect with your soul’s deepest desires (with a guided meditation)
Day 27 – Take one step today
Day 28 – Dress Up
Day 29 – Invest in Yourself
Day 30 – Know yourself as the source.

Another recommendation is for you to write down how taking the time to do something for yourself each and every day during the past month, even if it was only for one or two minutes daily, made a difference in your life.

I would like to deeply thank you for joining me through the past 30 days. I will continue posting reminders to encourage all of us to keep practicing self-love.

It would be great to hear your feedback. Feel free to post comments here or on Facebook.

