ComplimentGive Someone a Compliment

The self-love challenge today is to compliment someone else. It can be someone you know or a stranger, you choose. When complimenting someone make sure to:

  • Speak from the heart and really mean it, it makes a huge difference.
  • Be specific. Here are some suggestions: “This report is the most thorough to date, I like how you incorporated what we discussed last week.” “You have really grown since I met you, and you are so much grounded and calm, it feels wonderful to be near you.” “You are so talented and creative; your artwork touched my heart and inspired me to create as well.”
  • Be authentic – and say something that is truthful but not necessarily expected.

By giving someone a compliment, you will receive it back by knowing that you brighten their day. Make sure to carry this warmth feeling of making a difference in someone's life, for the rest of the day.

Let me know how you feel after you give someone a compliment.


NaBloPoMo November 2013