Month: June 2013

How To Handle Change in Life and/or Business


Last month I moved to a new place. Here is my journey and the steps I took and recommend you take when handling life changing experiences of any kind.

First, there was the certainty that it was time to move from where I had lived for the past eight years. The move was actually about two years or so passed due. But I procrastinated. I made excuses. I stayed. To be honest, I don’t care for moving.

Second, it was hard to find the new place. I wrote a list of requirements I really wanted or would like to have. I wrote a vision of my life at this new place. It was overwhelming when one of the first places I saw had nothing at all to do with my list; it was pretty much the opposite of what I wanted. I realized now that it was a set up, so that I would keep looking and know for sure when I found the one. I share this, so that if it happens to you, and you are tested by attracting the opposite of what you imagined, simply say no, walk away, and go back to the drawing board.

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Brazilian Valentine’s Day: An Opportunity to Practice Self-love

Fany BombonsToday is Valentine’s Day in Brazil. It is quite a different day than February 14th in the United States. It’s mainly a day for couples to celebrate their relationship, to have a romantic dinner, exchange gifts, etc. There is no greeting card exchange with friends or loved ones who are not involved romantically.

As a single person, you tend not to care so much for this day, or you dread the day, or you don’t even think about it. The main issue is when you go out and you see all the restaurants with candle light dinners, and all the happy couples around. Here are a few good self-love attitudes to consider and practice love for self with or without a romantic relationship:

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