Month: March 2013

Birthdays – Making a Difference in Someone Else's Life

FlowersOver the years I met people who celebrate their birthdays in different ways. From one extreme of celebrating it for the whole month, to others preferring to hide, travel, disappear. I find myself in the middle. I enjoy the anticipation of the day, and sometimes I choose to spend it by myself and sometimes I celebrate it with others. I do enjoy taking in the love, through emails, phone calls, hugs, gifts, greeting cards and love messages. For a few years now, I add on my gratitude journal, how thankful I am for all those who remembered this special day.

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Making Decisions with the Highest Good of All at Heart

 Sunrise, photo by Elisa Balabram

When coaching someone on a meditation exercise, to help her decide what to do and what actions to take that would impact her business in a big way, I encouraged her to focus on choosing a solution that would serve the highest good of all involved. She questioned my advice, which at first was surprising, but I quickly thought about it and knew what she meant. Why would she even consider the highest good of someone else who could potentially hurt her business? Or what if the highest good for others meant that she didn’t get what she wanted?

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Guest Bloggers: What you need to include in your blog’s guidelines for guest bloggers

In just the last few weeks, several women asked me how I managed guest bloggers on my other website, and I’ve been recommending them to write guidelines. In case you are thinking of attracting volunteer guest bloggers to increase traffic and enhance your site’s content, here are a few items to think about and include in your guideline:

1-      About the blog and the categories that are available to guest bloggers

2-      Your blog’s target audience

3-      Typical guest bloggers and areas of expertise needed

4-      Topics/subjects that are most relevant to the readers

5-      How to submit articles (contact information, file format accepted, email subject line)

6-      The format to submit article, photo, bio or byline, contact information and site link(s) to be included with the article

7-      Minimum and maximum number of words allowed per blog

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International Women’s Day – Celebrate even if it’s just for 5 minutes

International Woman's DayMarch is Women’s History Month in the USA, and March 8th is the International Women’s Day. In Brazil the day is celebrated with women getting flowers, chocolate, messages and being appreciated.

Here are a few recommendations to celebrate your day:

Nurture Yourself. I could give you a laundry list of things you could do to nurture yourself, but ultimately you know best. Ask yourself how can I best nurture myself today? And then set some time aside to do it, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

Take inventory of where you are in your life. This could be a journaling exercise. After completing the inventory, ask yourself if you would like to make any changes. If the answer is yes, choose one step you can take today to pursue it, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.

Get together with a friend. I know, some of us are facing a blizzard, and it might be difficult to get together. How about scheduling to Skype with a friend instead of meeting face-to-face. You can be there for each other and send each other virtual hugs.

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